Post Knee/Hip Replacement

ORTHO : Retrieve your mobility with ortho rehab at home

Total Knee Replacement/ Total Hip Replacement (TKR/THR) surgery is at times deemed as the only way out of end-stage arthritis, alleviating pain and restoring normal function of your knees/hips. However, one should remember that finding the most qualified surgeon in town is definitely not the only responsibility that needs to be fulfilled for a Knee/Hip replacement case. Healthcare advises rational home-based care paths for post-operative patients. The family members of the patients, on the other hand, can make the most of the affordable home-based physiotherapy and rehabilitation with supportive treatment and equipment at home.

It has been very rightly pointed out that one must prepare their homes before the patient undergoes Knee/Hip replacement surgery. You might as well need to bring about a few changes to the fundamental setup of your home to facilitate a quicker recovery. Early hospital discharge post-surgery is associated with reduced costs but post-operative Physiotherapy, Dressing, Supportive equipment; Medical attendant plays a key role to regain mobility of the patient.

The presence of a home nurse means that your loved one is well cared for even when you are not around. Remember that the first few days can be very difficult for patients because they cannot move around or do things on their own. It's the caregiver who performs crucial duties like administering medicines, helping the patient move around, conducting physiotherapy sessions advised by a professional physiotherapist and providing the emotional support necessary for quicker overall healing.

Post Knee/Hip Replacement Package- 20Days

  • Supportive equipment for Walk
  • Dressing by Nurse @ Home
  • 20 Days Physiotherapy by Expert Physiotherapist @ Home
  • Assisted Chair for Natural call
  • All Dressing Material & Ointment's to be provide
  • 24x7 Care Planner Contact for emergency
  • 1 Followup Tele Consultation with Orthopaedic Surgeon
General Work Responsibilities of a Medical Caregiver

TKR / THR Package Amount

Unilateral TKR
Unilateral THR
Bilateral TKR
Bilateral THR

FAQ's on Knee Replacement

Knee replacement surgery can be carried out even in patients who are above the age of 75-80 years provided they are medically fit and are in good general health and their activities of daily living are restricted by painful arthritis of knee joints.

This is different for each individual, you can expect to be getting up and walking 1st day after the surgery with a walker. You can expect to be using the walker for between 1 to 2 weeks (depending upon your balance and progress). As you progress your therapist may suggest the use of the walking stick eventually, you may not need any assistive device depending on your general help prior to surgery.

Due to the actual surgery itself, you can expect to have some pain for a few weeks. Everyone is different, so the amount of pain varies from patient to patient.

You may have an area of numbness to the outside of a scar which may last a year or more and it is not serious. Kneeling may be uncomfortable for a year or more. Some patient notices some clicking when they move their knee, but it is normal and it is the result of artificial surfaces coming together and it is not serious.

Physiotherapy is the most integral and unavoidable part of the entire treatment! There is No Scientific Entity like No Physio Knee Replacement!!! BUT, it is not going to be an unpleasant or painful experience!! With our FAST TRACK Technique, physiotherapy can be minimized just to 10 or 15 days after operation under the care and guidance of our expert physiotherapist. Physiotherapy is to strengthen the weakened muscles around the knee joint and to improve the movement of new joint to help you learn walking and improving your gait or walking pattern. Sometimes, we may even ask you to start the therapy 1 a week or 10 days before the date of surgery in order to make you well versed with the programmed and also to make the stiff knee joint softer and smoother!!!

  • Do not cross your leg at the knee.
  • Do not twist your body at the waist.
  • Do not turn operated foot inward.
  • Do not flex your hip greater than 90.
  • Keep pillows between legs when sleeping.
  • Do not squat on the floor.
  • May sleep on the operated side two weeks after surgery with pillows between your legs.

FAQ's on Hip Replacement

Total hip replacement surgery involves replacing the hip joint with an artificial joint made of metal, plastic or ceramic materials. The doctor makes a six- to ten-inch incision on the side or back of your hip. Materials used in making your artificial joints are strong and designed to last a long time inside your body.

Before surgery you will need to have a physical exam and preadmission testing, participate in preoperative education classes and prepare your home for when you return after surgery. While these steps can take a few weeks, they will help you achieve long-term success after your hip replacement surgery.

Typically, you will stay in the hospital one to three days after surgery, depending on how quickly you progress with physical therapy. Once you're able to walk longer distances and are making consistent progress, you'll be ready to go home.

Joint replacement is major surgery. Although advances in technology and medical care have made joint replacement safe and effective, there are risks. You should discuss these risks with your surgeon, and they should be considered carefully before you decide to have surgery. The most common risks include:

  • Blood clots
  • Dislocation of the hip
  • Falls
  • Infection
  • Limited range of motion
  • Loosening of the joint
  • Nerve injury

Yes, but we will keep you comfortable with appropriate medication. We begin by managing your pain with pills following surgery and can give intravenous medication as needed. Your surgeon will discuss with you what pain control option is best for you in the hospital and at home.

Yes. Physical therapy will continue after you go home with a therapist in your home or at an outpatient physical-therapy facility. The length of time required for this type of therapy varies with each patient. We will help you with these arrangements before you go home.

Two to four weeks after discharge, you will be seen for your first post-operative office visit. The frequency of follow-up visits will depend on your progress and your surgeon.

It's important to keep your new joint moving. However, you should return to normal activities gradually. You will be instructed by your joint replacement care team to avoid specific positions that could put stress on your new joint. Avoid high-impact activities, and consult your surgeon before participating in a new exercise routine or a physically demanding sport.

Recovery is a gradual process. Walking and physical therapy exercises will help speed your recovery.

  • Six weeks: Most patients are able to participate in most daily activities.
  • Three months: Most joint replacement patients have regained the strength and endurance they had before surgery.
  • Six months: Most patients can expect full recovery, depending on the type of surgery, overall health and the success of rehabilitation.

Your orthopedic surgeon will do the surgery. A physician's assistant often helps during the procedure.



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